Association of British Choral Directors
Formed in 1986, abcd is the only UK organisation devoted entirely to supporting those leading choral music, both amateur and professional. We are committed to promoting opportunities for the professional development of everyone leading singing of any kind, whether in the classroom or the community. We run an extensive programme of courses and workshops throughout the UK, including specialist training and events for teachers in secondary and primary schools covering conducting and vocal technique and repertoire, a young choral leaders’ programme and conducting courses from Initial to Advanced, from one-day workshops to courses running over several months.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic our activity has moved online and we provide information for everyone finding ways of singing safely. Our research paper collating research from around the world on the safety of singing was widely discussed and many choirs and conductors have used our risk management advice to plan their return to singing. We publish regular updates on the latest government guidelines and we lobby for more research into singing safely and for financial support for professional musicians.